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Featherstone Farm


18.0 acres


Conservation of this old horse-breeding farm resulted from a cooperative acquisition involving the land bank and the Featherstone Meetinghouse for the Arts. Thanks to the ingenuity and generosity of the farm’s former owners — they arranged for the land bank to acquire it from a charitable remainder trust, ultimately yielding a steep discount to the land bank treasury — plus the persistence of the arts group, the farm buildings are now studios and galleries and the pastures and woodlands are in public conservation. The land bank has leased out the fields for farming.


Travel north on the Barnes Road 0.4 miles from the roundabout. Turn right onto tar driveway; trailhead and bicycle rack are past the crest of the hill behind the buildings.

Historical Highlights

  • the name “Featherstone Farm” arose in connection with a town of the name Featherstone in West Yorkshire, England